Forumbee Tips: Using the Scheduling Feature for Future Posts

Jul 01, 2015

Although online communities have countless different missions, easily sharing and obtaining information is one key commonality that ranks high among the reasons people join virtual conversations. Indeed, vibrant online communities tend to be the ones with a constant supply of fresh and exciting content for members. In those communities centered around products, professional/personal development, or learning and training, for example, consistently providing new content can be a crucial function of the community manager.

As a community manager, if you're worried about losing members during maternity leave or that sabbatical trip to Spain, rest assured. Whether it’s a daily inspirational quote, a weekly homework assignment, bi-weekly blog post or monthly financial statement, Forumbee’s scheduling feature lets you control the timing of your posts automatically. This means that CMs and volunteer admins can keep their communities' momentum going despite busy schedules, day-jobs and even off-the-grid vacations.

To schedule a post, go to the Moderate area and click “Add new.” Add and edit your content, then pick a future date and time using the handy calendar interface. Click “Schedule.” It’s that easy! You can schedule as many posts as you’d like and all scheduled posts will appear under the “Scheduled” tab, where you can edit them, change the dates or un-schedule them as the need arises.

If you have ever made a resolution to become more organized with your community posts, consider engaging your team to collaborate on an editorial calendar for the year. Then ask each member to schedule one post per month.  Or keep it super easy by using the Forumbee scheduling tool as your editorial calendar. Simply post relevant content on the appropriate dates throughout the year and watch your storehouse of automatic posts grow, freeing you up to do other things.

For complete instructions on using the scheduling tool, including screen-shots, go here:

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